September I like to start thinking in fresh new ways to start “my year” off right. “My year” begins October 6 - my birthday. I like to pick 3 -5 goals for the 365 days until my next birthday, a theme to keep me on track and focused, and kick it off with a great celebration just like New Year’s.
To get me ready for the new year I have to start now. Why? To evaluate the successes and lows of the past year, determine the successes I’d like to achieve in the upcoming year, and really get down to what had been motivating me. Ultimately, I am taking inventory of my life and seeing what it is that I like and dislike about how things are going.
One of the great things with this method is it helps in finishing the calendar year strong. I am ready to tackle any outstanding goals I may have, challenge myself to take the adventures I’ve been putting off, and reminds me of just how far I have come.
Sometimes that is the most important aspect of taking this time to reevaluate everything - realizing just how far you have come. It is not about resting on your laurels. Instead, it is realizing you are powerful, you are strong, and you are accomplished because you accomplished the goals you set out to. And even if you didn’t accomplish everything you set out to, or in the way or time you wanted, I can guarantee you you have accomplished something.
This is something I have struggled with in recent times. The three goals I set out to complete at the beginning of the year have totally had to be put on pause. Why? My life changed - drastically. Back in October of last year, and January of this year, I could never have determined just how much my life would have changed becoming a wife, moving out of my parents house, and taking on new jobs and projects. What I have learned this year is that while I may not have accomplished all the goals I originally set out to, I have accomplished a whole new set of challenges my new life brought on that I could never have even planned for.
With that, remember to be flexible. Remember to be open to the things that come up in life you may not have expected to come your way. Realize that even if you do not accomplish your original goals, it doesn’t make you any less accomplished than you may have thought.
Here is what I need you to do. I want you to challenge yourself and write down all of the things you have done this year; good, bad, what you set out to do, new things that came your way - everything. Then go through and write down;
What did you accomplish by doing this thing?
How did it bring you closer to the big picture you have for your life?
What did you learn from this instance?
By answering these three questions, you’ll quickly learn you have been achieving things, even if it doesn’t look like your goals. Hopefully, it will also help you realize what gaps exist and motivate you to realize there is still FOUR months remaining in the year. Let the motivation of seeing what you’ve accomplished move you to accomplish more.Keep going and finish strong.