In these times of uncertainty, we can easily become swept up in the fear and panic swirling around us. But, we must remember we are currently living out history. While we are always future ancestors, this particular moment will be marked in history. Which has raised these questions for me – how will we remember and be remembered for this time?
““How will we remember and be remembered for this time?””
With people hoarding food, paper products, price gouging and fear mongering, these elements will definitely be parts in the story of 2020. However, I know for myself that is not going to be part of my story. I know during this time I want to remember it as being a time of calm and peace in our home, curiosity and discovery with our daughter and businesses, while growing in our creative endeavors.
This may seem counterintuitive to the narrative of lack and recession being propagated. But, if this time is teaching me anything, it is to stretch and grow beyond what makes me comfortable. It means I have to challenge myself to rise out of this season stronger and more resilient than I thought I could be. It means I have to support and share more with those in my community who may be in need of resources of any kind.
What this season is also teaching me is it is okay to sit with the feelings of uncertainty and take the time I need to process this new normal. It is okay to rest and take time. It is okay to not rise and grind, learn 53 new things, and to grow and refill as needed. It is okay to sleep, have living room dance parties, and read a great book.
“It is okay.”
Whether you are one of our real life heroes (thank you to our delivery people, truck drivers, food prep and retail workers, along with healthcare professionals) or have the privilege of being able to work from home, I want to challenge us all to learn something new about ourselves.
Learn to be more compassionate, patient, or kind to yourself or others. Lean into your creative side by creating in ways you only dreamed you had the time to. If you are working the front lines, learn more about the good in people and yourselves and focus on the good work you are doing in hard times.
This season is not easy, and that’s okay. This time is uncertain, and that’s okay. While it is uncertain, it is also exciting. I am excited to see what will be birthed out of this season for many people. Who will get there big break? Who will discover their purpose? Who will jump in to their fullness of their calling?
How do you want remember this time?